As a property owner in Georgia, a puzzling sight might catch your eye—trees with yellow leaves and green veins! Fear not, for it's likely a sign that they are simply craving a little iron boost. Just like we crave our morning coffee, trees yearn for iron to thrive! This lack of iron hampers their ability to produce chlorophyll, the green magic that turns sunlight into energy. But fret not, a dose of iron treatment can work wonders, revitalizing your trees and bringing back that lush green glow. In the future, you should schedule regular tree fertilization treatments to ensure your trees always have a sufficient supply of iron as well as the other nutrients they need to flourish.

Yellow leaves with green veins are a tell-tale sign of an iron deficiency.

If you notice the leaves on your trees or shrubs turning yellow while the veins remain green, it could be a clear indication of an iron deficiency, also known as chlorosis. Iron plays a vital role in the production of chlorophyll, the green pigment responsible for photosynthesis, which is essential for the plant's energy production.

When a plant lacks sufficient iron, it struggles to produce enough chlorophyll, resulting in the yellowing of the leaves. However, the veins of the leaves remain green because iron is mobile within the plant, and the plant prioritizes the available iron for important functions like new growth and maintaining the veins' health. Iron deficiency is particularly common in plants growing in alkaline or poorly drained soils.

There are treatment options to replenish your trees or shrubs with iron.

To address an iron deficiency in your trees or shrubs, there are several treatment options available. One common approach is to use chelated iron products. Chelated iron is a form of iron that is more readily available and can be directly absorbed by the plant roots.

Chelated iron products can be applied as either a spray or a soil drench. Foliar sprays allow the iron to be absorbed through the leaves, providing quick relief to the plant's symptoms. Soil drenches, on the other hand, are applied to the root zone, where the iron is taken up by the roots and transported to the rest of the plant.

Another option is to use iron sulfate, which is a water-soluble form of iron that can be applied as a soil amendment. Iron sulfate helps lower the soil pH, making available iron more accessible.

Moving forward, you can prevent iron deficiency by investing in regular tree fertilization treatments.

To prevent iron deficiency and other nutrient deficiencies from occurring in the future, investing in regular tree fertilization treatments is crucial. Fertilization provides trees and shrubs with a balanced blend of essential nutrients, including iron, to support their overall health and growth.

Regular fertilization ensures that the soil remains rich in nutrients, promoting optimal nutrient uptake by the plant roots. By maintaining a healthy nutrient balance in the soil, you can help prevent the development of nutrient deficiencies, such as iron deficiency.

Robert Efford at TurfXpert

Other nutrients that tree fertilization treatments contain include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Give us a call today to sign up for our expert tree and shrub care service.

Protect the health of your precious trees and shrubs by signing up for our exceptional tree and shrub care service! Our team is dedicated to ensuring your landscape thrives, especially when faced with nutrient deficiencies. With a well-crafted schedule of six treatments throughout the year, most of which include fertilization treatments, we’ve designed the perfect regimen to revitalize your greenery. Our plant care technicians boast years of expertise in nurturing landscapes in Woodstock, Roswell, Alpharetta, and other areas of Georgia. Whether you own a residential or commercial you can take advantage of our tree and shrub care service by calling us today at (833) 444-8873!