Aeration is a great way to loosen compacted soil and make it easier for nutrients and other resources like water, sunlight, and oxygen to reach the roots of your grass. However, there are two ways you can aerate your lawn in Georgia: core and liquid. Core aeration involves mechanically pulling up plugs of soil using an aerator, while liquid aeration uses a spray treatment that creates tiny pores to alleviate compaction. While both offer similar benefits, core aeration is more effective on heavily compacted lawns, and it's ideal if you plan on overseeding and want quicker results. It's always best to hire pros to aerate your turf to ensure it's done right and at the correct time.

What's the difference between core aeration and liquid aeration?

Core aeration is the process of mechanically pulling up plugs of soil using an aerator to loosen compacted soil, break up the thatch layer, and open up channels that allow nutrients and other resources, such as sunlight, water, and oxygen, to reach the roots of your grass more easily. On the other hand, liquid aeration involves applying a liquid solution across your lawn to create tiny pores in the soil, effectively alleviating the hard, packed layer and aiding in deeper resource penetration to the root zone.

Core aeration leaves behind soil cores across your lawn, which return nutrients as they decompose.

Which one is better: core aeration or liquid aeration?

Both core and liquid aeration offer similar benefits that help your grass become healthier. However, core aeration is the best option for heavily compacted lawns because it can effectively get through the densely packed layer and loosen it. It's also ideal if you plan on overseeding afterward, as the holes created serve as the perfect spot for the seeds to fall into, helping them reach deeper into the ground and get excellent contact with the soil; this provides ideal conditions for germination and development. Additionally, core aeration yields results quicker than liquid aeration since it's a long process where you may not notice much change until after several applications.

Always Hire Professionals to Aerate Your Lawn to Ensure It's Done Right

When it comes to aerating your lawn, you should always hire professionals to do it for you. That's because professionals know how to properly perform this service to ensure it's done right and when to do it to avoid causing any unnecessary stress. They also have the equipment they need to aerate your lawn, plus the skills and knowledge of how to use it to give you the best results. When you leave this essential lawn care service to the pros, you can have peace of mind knowing your grass will receive high-quality care.

Call Us Today to Sign Up for Our Core Aeration Service

If you're looking to improve the health of your lawn, we are the company to turn to. At TurfXpert, we offer a core aeration service, where our team will pass over your turf with an aerator to loosen compacted soil and make it easier for essential nutrients and resources to reach the roots of your grass. We perform core aeration because we believe it'll produce top-notch results you will see quickly! This service is available in the spring for warm-season grasses and in the fall for cool-season types to ensure we perform it only when your lawn is strong enough to endure it.

We offer our core aeration service to residential and commercial properties, as well as HOAs, in Woodstock, Roswell, Alpharetta, GA, and throughout the nearby areas. Call us at (833) 444-8873 to sign up for our service today!