Aeration is a lawn care service that involves pulling cores of soil from the ground to loosen compaction and make it easier for nutrients and other resources to reach the roots of your grass. It's best performed in the fall here in Georgia because cool-season lawns thrive during this season, so they will be strong enough to endure the process and recover before winter sets in. Fall aeration should also be scheduled every year to ensure your soil is never too compacted and to ensure the roots of your grass will always have access to everything they will need to make it through the winter season. Keep reading to learn more about why you should schedule an aeration service for your cool-season lawn this fall and every fall!

What is core aeration, and how does it benefit your lawn?

Core aeration is the process of pulling plugs or "cores" of soil from the ground to create tiny holes in the surface. This process is done using an aerator machine, which runs over your entire turf to relieve soil compaction. When soil is compacted, nutrients and other resources have a hard time reaching the roots of your grass, hindering its growth and development. By loosening the soil through core aeration, nutrients and other resources like water, air, and sunlight can easily pass through, giving your lawn better access to everything it needs to grow healthy and strong.

Robert Efford at TurfXpert

You can leave the cores of soil on your lawn after the aeration process is done because they will decompose and return nutrients back to your turf!

Why should you schedule aeration in the fall for your cool-season lawn?

It is recommended to schedule aeration in the fall for your cool-season lawn because your lawn will be at its strongest during this season. Your cool-season grass thrives when temperatures are cooler, so it will be growing actively during the fall. Because your lawn will be thriving, it will be able to tolerate the aeration process, which can be stressful for your grass. Plus, as long as you schedule the aeration service early enough in the fall, it will be able to recover before the harsh winter weather arrives.

If you have a cool-season lawn, you should schedule aeration every single year!

Aeration is a very beneficial lawn care service, so you'll want to make sure that you schedule it for your cool-season lawn every single year! Over the summer here in Georgia, soil tends to get compacted due to foot traffic, machinery use, and other reasons. So, your lawn needs to be aerated annually to ensure the roots of your grass can continue to access the vital nutrients and resources that it needs to grow healthy and strong. Scheduling aeration each year will help your cool-season lawn recover from the winter season and build up its strength in preparation for the winter season.

Robert Efford at TurfXpert

If you want to go the extra mile for your lawn, you should overseed it after it was aerated to increase its density and overall beauty!

Give us a call today to schedule our core aeration service.

At TurfXpert, we offer our core aeration service in the fall to help your cool-season lawn thrive. We offer this service to residential and commercial property owners, as well as HOAs, in Woodstock, Roswell, Alpharetta, and throughout the surrounding areas in Georgia. We also offer an overseeding service that you can take advantage of after we aerate your lawn to increase the density and beauty of your lawn. Give us a call today at (833) 444-8873 to schedule our core aeration service for your cool-season lawn!