Curious about those tiny yet troublesome pests lurking on the stems and leaves of your plants in Georgia? Chances are they’re aphids. These sap-sucking insects can wreak havoc on your property's plants, causing wilted leaves, stunted growth, and sticky honeydew residue. To combat these pesky bugs, consider professional plant insect control treatments. Fear not if your trees or shrubs have fallen victim to aphid damage—with the nurturing power of fertilization treatments, you can aid their recovery, fostering stronger, healthier foliage that will flourish once more in your splendid landscape.

What are aphids and what kind of damage can they cause to plants?

Aphids are tiny, soft-bodied insects that can wreak havoc on your plants. These pesky pests come in various colors, such as green, brown, and black, and they have pear-shaped bodies. Aphids feed by piercing the plant's stems and leaves with their needle-like mouthparts, extracting sap, which is rich in nutrients.

The damage caused by aphids is twofold. First, their feeding weakens the plant, as it deprives it of essential nutrients and water. This can lead to stunted growth and wilting of leaves and shoots. Second, aphids secrete a sticky, sugary substance called honeydew, which attracts ants and encourages the growth of black, sooty mold on the plant's surface. The black mold further impedes photosynthesis and can make the plant look unsightly.

Robert Efford at TurfXpert

A single aphid can produce numerous offspring in a short period, leading to large infestations that can quickly overwhelm your plants.

How do you deal with aphids on your plants?

When it comes to dealing with aphids, the most effective method is to schedule a professional plant insect control treatment. Pest control professionals have the expertise to identify the specific aphid species infesting your plants and choose the most appropriate treatment.

One common method used by professionals is the application of insecticides that specifically target aphids. These treatments effectively eliminate the aphids while minimizing harm to beneficial insects and the environment.

Help your plants recover from damage by scheduling tree and shrub fertilization treatments.

After dealing with an aphid infestation, it's essential to help your plants recover and strengthen their defenses against future pests. One way to achieve this is by scheduling tree and shrub fertilization treatments.

Fertilization treatments provide your plants with the nutrients they need to recover from aphid damage and promote healthy growth. The extra nutrients support new shoots and leaf development, allowing the plant to replenish what was lost during the infestation.

Moreover, a well-fertilized plant is better equipped to withstand future aphid attacks. Healthy, vigorous plants can produce more sap and recover more quickly from aphid feeding, making them less susceptible to serious damage.

Give us a call today to address that aphid infestation with our tree and shrub insect control treatments!

At TurfXpert, we provide our top-notch tree and shrub disease and insect control service to residential and commercial property owners, as well as HOAs, in Woodstock, GA, and nearby areas like Roswell and Alpharetta. Our comprehensive program consists of multiple visits to your property, offering maximum protection for your cherished trees and shrubs. We understand the menace of aphids and other common diseases and insects in the area, and that's why our expert team administers specialized plant disease and insect control treatments, coupled with fertilization and a protective application of our dormant oil. Rest assured, our service will shield your precious plants from harm and keep them thriving throughout the year. Don't wait for an aphid infestation to take over your landscape—act now! Call us at (833) 444-8873 to sign up for our exceptional tree and shrub disease and insect control service and bask in the countless benefits it brings to your greenery.